
Aveen’s Story: Navigating language barriers during pregnancy & birth

When Aveen arrived in the UK, expecting her first child, she was seeking safety and a fresh start. After fleeing war in her home country, she found herself in Scotland unable to speak or read English. With no friends or family around to support, Aveen felt isolated, anxious, and afraid.

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New Amma report calls for improved maternity care for asylum-seeking and refugee women

A study conducted by Amma Birth Companions has found instances of discrimination, high rates of intervention, and issues with interpretation and communication that contribute to disparities in perinatal care for women seeking asylum, refugees, and those with varied immigration statuses.

New Amma report calls for improved maternity care for asylum-seeking and refugee women Read More »

Amma’s Response to the Illegal Migration Bill

Yesterday, the government’s cruel and unworkable Illegal Migration Bill passed its third reading in the House of Commons. It will now go to the House of Lords for consideration, where it, if passed, will become law.

The impact of this Bill is truly horrifying. At Amma, we are deeply concerned about the impact it will have on all people seeking safety, but particularly on pregnant women and their children.

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Mural celebrates Black motherhood and challenges racial disparities in perinatal care

On November 8, a mural exploring Black motherhood was unveiled outside the Princess Royal Maternity Hospital in Glasgow. This mural is a public declaration of a commitment to racial equality and justice, and an invitation to continue to hold this hospital and others like it to account — to co-create a maternity system where everyone receives not just adequate care, but excellent care.

Mural celebrates Black motherhood and challenges racial disparities in perinatal care Read More »

Not in our name: a joint statement on the Borders Bill

In Scotland we have a proud history of protest, of raising our voices against the injustices that blight our society and speaking truth to power.

We – the undersigned – are proud to work in a country that values compassion and fairness. Though across our communities and sectors we work to achieve different things, today we are united in our opposition to the UK Government’s Nationality and Borders Bill.

Not in our name: a joint statement on the Borders Bill Read More »

Why we disagree with the proposed NICE guidelines to induce labour at 39 weeks

If implemented, the proposed guidance would undoubtedly lead to even higher rates of induction among our client group, who already feel disempowered to make decisions within a cruel and inhumane asylum process. For their sake—and the countless other birthing people this will affect—we call upon NICE to stop pathologising race and retract this proposed guidance.

Why we disagree with the proposed NICE guidelines to induce labour at 39 weeks Read More »

What the inhumane ‘New Plan for Immigration’ means for asylum seekers

On March 24, Home Secretary Priti Patel unveiled the government’s ‘New Plan for Immigration’ policy paper. It proposes that only people arriving to the UK through official routes, like resettlement schemes, will be permitted to settle in the UK permanently. If put into place, this policy would deny refugee status to anyone who passes through

What the inhumane ‘New Plan for Immigration’ means for asylum seekers Read More »

Black mothers matter: How racism is endangering Black mothers’ lives

In December 2020, MBRRACE-UK released its Perinatal Mortality Surveillance Report which showed that Black and Black British, and Asian and Asian British babies are up to twice as likely to be stillborn or die neonatally. Then, in January, the latest ‘Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care’ report was released, highlighting that Black birthing people are four

Black mothers matter: How racism is endangering Black mothers’ lives Read More »

Why Women’s Day Matters

This post was written by guest contributor, Emma Simpson. Emma is an Amma trustee who is passionate about the intersection of vulnerabilities that create challenges for women and other pregnant people. No one’s life on this planet can be separated from the lives and experiences of women. While you may not have been raised by

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