Birth & Postnatal Companionship

Our volunteer companions deliver specialist, trauma-skilled, culturally safe care to our clients from the third trimester of pregnancy, during birth, and for the first few weeks postpartum.

These highly trained volunteers work in small teams alongside our perinatal staff to provide continuous practical and emotional support throughout the perinatal period. Companions ensure our clients understand their rights and can make and express informed choices about their care.

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Peer Support

Our Amma Family peer support programme supports parents to build community, increase confidence and learn from one another.  Parents can join at any point during pregnancy and are welcome to take part until their babies reach the age of two. We provide travel expenses and food to make the group more accessible. 

We foster collaboration amongst participants and build on our clients’ existing strengths, cultural traditions, and knowledge. 

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Antenatal Education

Our midwife-led pregnancy group provides participants with a comprehensive and holistic understanding of how to prepare for birth and life with a new baby. 

The group is designed to be inclusive, trauma-informed, and accessible to all. incorporating education, food, and opportunities to socialise . Travel expenses are provided and we use multilingual resources, visual aids, and interpreter support as needed. 

We also provided 1-1 birth preparation for clients who are unable to attend our pregnancy group.

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Advocacy & Research

At Amma, we support women and birthing people to become their own best advocates through rights-focused education and companionship. We help to make sure that our clients’  choices and needs are asserted, particularly when there are language barriers.

We are focused not only on meeting the urgent needs of our clients, but also on tackling structural and health inequalities. Our Experts by Experience group, comprised of women who were previously supported by Amma, plays a crucial role in shaping our advocacy and research priorities.

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Infant Feeding Support

We offer culturally sensitive and trauma-informed infant feeding support through our Nurture Together peer support programme. 

Hosted online, this weekly support group is facilitated by trained Amma peer support volunteers, with oversight from an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).

Support is available for those those who exclusively breastfeed, formula feed, pump, or combination feed.

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Who we help

We provide perinatal support to women and birthing people facing barriers like poverty, isolation, or language.

Our Impact

Read our 2023 Impact Report to find out more about the impact of our work.

Support our work

From fundraising to volunteering, there are many opportunities to make a difference.