
New Amma report calls for improved maternity care for asylum-seeking and refugee women

A study conducted by Amma Birth Companions has found instances of discrimination, high rates of intervention, and issues with interpretation and communication that contribute to disparities in perinatal care for women seeking asylum, refugees, and those with varied immigration statuses.

New Amma report calls for improved maternity care for asylum-seeking and refugee women Read More »

What the 2020 MBRRACE-UK reports reveal about disparities in perinatal care

In December 2020, MBRRACE-UK released its Perinatal Mortality Surveillance Report which showed that Black and Black British, and Asian and Asian British babies are up to twice as likely to be stillborn or die neonatally. Then, in January, the latest ‘Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care’ report was released, highlighting that Black birthing people are four

What the 2020 MBRRACE-UK reports reveal about disparities in perinatal care Read More »