Amma Trustee, Vongayi Mufara, named ‘Trustee of the Year’ by SCVO

On June 23, we were delighted to attend the Scottish Charity Awards in Edinburgh. Hosted by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), these awards celebrate the individuals and organisations that strengthen our communities and improve people’s lives across Scotland.

This year’s shortlist was comprised of 32 finalists, including Amma’s Vice-Chair, Vongayi Mufara, who was awarded Trustee of the Year.



In an on-stage interview with host, Sally Magnusson, Vongayi spoke passionately about her role as Trustee and her own deeply personal experiencing of being supported by Amma through the loss of her twin son, Rylan. She received a standing ovation and moved many people in the room to tears.

We are so incredibly proud of Vongayi, who is a continual source of inspiration for all of us at Amma. Our congratulations also go to all the finalists and winners who are working hard every day to make Scotland a better place to live for everyone.