Amma recognised at the Scottish Health Awards 2023

Each year the Scottish Health Awards recognises the contributions of health and social care practitioners who work hard to ensure the highest quality of care for all. This year’s ceremony held on 2nd November 2023 brought together healthcare professionals, organisations and advocates from across Scotland. 


This year Amma was nominated for a third time for the Tackling Health Inequalities Award. In 2021 we won for the first time and now we’re delighted to say that in 2023 Amma’s work has been recognised again by the Scottish healthcare community. 

The Tackling Health Inequalities Award acknowledges Amma’s strategies in addressing disparities in perinatal healthcare. By offering personalized support to parents from diverse backgrounds, Amma actively works to eliminate barriers that may prevent access to essential maternal health services. Our culturally sensitive approach has proven instrumental in building trust and fostering empowerment among the women we serve.


Amma fills a tangible and acute gap in Glasgow’s perinatal services, falling outside the remit and capacity of the service provision of statutory organisations, existing charities and support agencies. Our infrastructure operates a 24-hour project, integrated with a network of partner agencies to ensure that the complex needs of women and birthing people are met.  


At Team Amma we’re so thankful to our volunteers and supporters for helping us do what we do, and we remain committed to our mission of ensuring every pregnant person and new parent receives the care and support they deserve, regardless of their background or circumstances.  

Team Amma pose with their Tackling Health Inequalities Award together with Michael Matheson MSP, Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care. Maree Aldam, CEO, Vongayi Mufara, Chair, Sarah Shemery, researcher, and Abigail Stein, Head of Fundraising, represented Amma at the awards.